The photo above is of me looking all teacher like at the end of week one with my yummy cupcake cone Mrs Yuen (the amazing teacher aid I couldn't live without, how would I find the things I lost without her) made me. The photo to the right is me and the class pet we got in the mail sent to us from the Endangered Wildlife Society. The students named him Roary (funnily enough that is what the students last year called him, no prompting from me). I am loving hearing the students use their public speaking skills to talk about their adventures with Roary. So where to from here? Hopefully I will continue to blog with Cakes and about school. Future posts will share some resources I have made to use in the classroom and will introduce you to some other wonderful avenues for learning resources. Learning with you. Mrs Page | Learning to play and playing to learn has suffered over the last year (you know pretty much since its birth). I started out blogging nearly daily, then it dropped to weekly and then I fell of the face of the earth around prac and the start of work. I have draft posts and photos of Cakes playing and learning coming out of my ears ready for me to blog. I plan to get back into blogging each holiday period but Cakes and I get so busy playing and learning that I kind of forgot, opps. Since being back at school for 2014 most of my time has been focused on (making resources and working on the students digital portfolios) the students and their learning. I have been enjoying working with the new little people in my life so much I thought I really should get back to blogging. Maybe I will get around to posting about Cakes and school, who knows. |