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Learning to play and playing to learn |
![]() Cakes and Daddy have been playing lots of hide and seek lately. Every time Cakes gets a little better (so does Daddy). Though having been able to count to 20 for sometime Cakes often forgets to say number 1. Playing hide and seek has helped with this as she is all for doing things correctly, if Daddy starts at 1 then she will also. Often she hides in the same place Daddy just did and checks all the same places he did. Though it is a very repetitive game it sparks plenty of talking as Cakes walks around the house "Is Daddy in the fridge?, no, Is he behind the door?, is he inside the fish tank?, no". Many of the places the two of them check are places you just cannot hide, but I think this is their little joke together. There has been many times when I could hear her hiding somewhere or rather, and giggling to herself as Daddy gets closer and even louder when he gets further away. She is slowly building her self control as she is aware her laughing is giving her away. Cakes has always been very good at sharing, though taking turns for hide and seek took a few games to get right, she just didn't understand why she couldn't hide every time. She is also starting to be a better problem solver, initially she would hide with no effort put into making sure she was truly hidden, now she takes the time to move a cushion or pull up a blanket so she cannot be seen. Does your child have a favourite hiding spot?
Cakes can switch from being an indoor artsy type kid to a rough and ready outdoor kid in minutes. We never know what she is going to want to do. A simple play on the fort turned into a great learning experience as Daddy let Cakes take the truck up onto the fort (something I would have been super reluctant to do). Watching her climb up the fort carrying the large truck was gut wrenching but she assured us that it was necessary for her to do so and that Daddy could not pass her the truck (lots of discussion was had around not doing this unsupervised). Daddy facilitated the conversation explaining to Cakes how gravity works. Daddy can be a bit silly and was getting his ups and downs incorrect so Cakes spent lots of time correcting Daddy and giving demonstrations. The two of them spent plenty of time playing this game until Daddy's attention span got the better of him and he headed of too mow the yard (this left me watching her climb and slide the truck as much as it scared me).
Cakes made up a new game using her necklaces. So much learning and she didn't even realise.
After a great practical experience at my internship I am rejoining the blogosphere. First I wanted to share a little of my time away with you all. I had a great time at a great school with a great mentor teacher and great children. As this was my internship I was required to teach at least 50% of the fulltime teaching. I got to do much more than this though also see my mentor teacher in action. I thought I would share the Science and Maths I taught. As I was only at the for four weeks I could only teach a small part of the Mathematics unit. For measurement they got to work out length (with rulers, sting, streamers and blocks), mass (using scales, balances, their own judgement and string), and capacity (with a variety of containers of all different sizes and materials). The assessment for this was designing and building a puppy house that was just the right size. They all put so much work into their assessment. For Location we role played, moved items and drew prepositions (such as above, below and besides). The shape and time was the last week of maths, the students looked at how shape can be found in all things in nature and how time can affect them (such as shadows casting differently in the morning than in the afternoon). There were so many great experiences that made it a wonderful time (I am going back for the next 6 Fridays to help out with orientation for the next years students and swimming). There were a few things that I didn't enjoy. I didn't like going to the toilet each morning at the same time as my mentor teacher, I know not a big deal. There was this wonderful bearded dragon that lived in the junior yard that was very good at holding his ground. He never ever moved towards the children. The groundsman would move him if he was around when the children came out to play though on the few occasions he was not there one of the teachers aides hit at him with a stick (she didn't hurt him though I was worried that the children would see this out of context). I got very brave and picked him up to move him when the groundsman was not around. The children were very fond of the teacher attempting to throw large paper (when finished with) in the bin. They would award a medal if she was successful. I made it my mission to get the paper in the bin and did so on my second last day. Needless to say I received a medal on the Friday. So if a few weeks time I will not only be a qualified childcare teacher, I will be a qualified school teacher!! I have my state school ranking interview this week. There seems to be very few jobs out there and heaps of graduates so though I have my fingers crossed I am not going to hold my breath just yet. I know something will fall in my lap and if not I get to spend a little more time with Cakes.
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